Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Show and Tell

Decatur, Georgia

Listen to Your Life
Artist Kelly Rae Roberts captivated me with this inspiring angel. I love the colorful callings she offers in all of her pieces. Another I have challenges me to Be Brave. But this sweet angel spoke to me about everything I have been ignoring or trying to avoid. In all honesty, I think she was telling me to recapture myself. It hangs in the hallway between my bedroom and my coffee so I look at it each morning when I get up as my reminder to:
Dream Bigger * Unleash Your Joy * Embrace Vulnerability
What is Calling You?
Love with Abandon * Get quiet. Just be. * Rediscover your passion
Nurture your soul * Allow the blessings to sink in and stay awhile 
Surround yourself with good people * Honor your intuition
I don’t know Kelly personally so this is not a recommendation that is going to benefit me in any way, but I do hope you will stop by her website, check out all of her amazing works and let them inspire you too.
Dacula, Georgia

We've had some wicked thunderstorms here in Georgia this spring; Wednesday night's storm here threatened to take out my thriving jalapeno pepper plant. I had tied it to the deck but my knots didn't hold, so when the storm ended it appeared that my luscious beauty had snapped in two. To my relief, the stem had remained flexible so that I was able to gently right it and secure it to the deck again, none the worse for wear. 

As I worked, I accepted the lesson that was so clearly being given to me. In order to weather the storms that are beating down on my life right now, I must remain soft and yielding, bending my head into the wind and moving forward without fear, trusting that I will be able to stand upright, tall and productive, nourished by the rains after they have passed.

Thank you for visiting us here today at Writers Li.P.P. Check back next week for ideas on how to build your professional support team. We are thankful beyond words that you are part of our team!


  1. Love it, guys. Thanks. I have a lot of needlework that I've done and science fiction art that we've bought at conventions that inspire me and make me smile. And you're right, by simply keeping going and taking care of business, you can weather almost any storm.

    Thanks to you both for the positive vibes. The earrings are gorgeous Pam and I look forward to the awesome T-shirt!

  2. Glad you like our style, Julee! Congrats on winning my PFHT drawing and Lindy's t-shirt last week - you are one of our biggest fans, so you definitely deserve it! :-)

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  5. Pretty! I love the words of inspiration too. I also like that you have it placed where you have to walk by and notice it every morning. Great idea.

    Glad the plant is doing well. I'm one who has a very black thumb so all conditions could have been right and my plant would have dropped dead in the first four days......

    Can't wait til the next series.


  6. I visited the website Lindy mentioned, and am trying to decide which piece I want most. If I ever do art - and I just might someday - I will somehow incorporate words, too. It just seems to fit with being a writer. As for the plant, I used to think I had a black thumb, too. I'm not sure when that changed, but now I have reasonably good luck with tomatoes and peppers and herbs and a couple of houseplants. Nothing too ambitious, lol! Thanks for stopping by, Tammy!

  7. Julee, I echo Pam's thanks for being our biggest fan! I hope you will send us a picture in your WritersLi.P.P. t-shirt and earrings.

    I'm not familiar with SciFi art. Would you be willing to share? I started our a science fiction buff when I was a teen and I collect original art so I am thoroughly curious.

    Have a great week!

  8. Tami, thanks so much for stopping by. Don't let Pam fool you into thinking anything in her care could turn brown. Storm or not, she is a nurturer so there is no chance! I'd be willing to bet you are the same.

    It's funny, but I never really thought I would be one of those "words of encouragement" people, but as I got older I needed more support so reminders and books are where I turned. I know that you love books, but where else do you turn for encouragement?

    See you soon,
