Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Show & Tell

Megan - Roswell, Georgia

You know how you think you've taken the perfect photo? And then you know how something can just throw that photo all wonky? I love this picture of my friend's little girl, particularly the flower (weed?) tucked behind her ear. But the photo is just a smidge off. Three words: Empty. Plastic. Bottle. Ah well. Babies and their toys.

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Pam - Dacula, Georgia

My brother Greg and me, August 1981
My brother Jim, born two years after me, died in an auto accident on July 18, 1981, the day before my brother Greg's 18th birthday. July 19th was also my maternal grandmother's birthday; she and Greg are gone now, too. And my dad told me yesterday that his father passed away on July 20, 1961.
That's a lot of sadness packed into three days.

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Lindy - Decatur, Georgia
If you need a plumber, don't go gettin' any ideas.
 This is how I spent an hour this week - replacing my kitchen faucet. A little black bra wisdom ladies: if you don't have power tools or if you have them yet don't know how to use them - LEARN!

You silly men, if you are asking why I needed a screw gun to replace my kitchen faucet, then you obviously don't know what you're doing. Happy Friday!


  1. Lindy - I need to learn my power tools better... though a few weekends ago when I painted my bathroom I DID remove all the wall hardware rather than paint around it!

    Pam - I'm so sorry this time of year is so packed with sorrow. That photo is lovely and says so much. Thank you for sharing it. ((hugs))

  2. Meg - yes you do and I love this sweet picture. Hopefully little miss will learn all about recycling.

    Pam - I'm so sorry that these three days are so painful. The cool part is that all of these wonderful people are here with you looking over your shoulder saying, "Thanks for thinking about us, kid!" Smooches.

  3. Great picture, Megan. I wish I had spent a lot less money on toys for my kids and invested it in mutual funds instead, especially considering they were happiest playing with empty bottles and boxes and pots and pans!

    Lindy, I'm afraid I don't have quite the way with power tools that you do. But at least now I know who to call the next time I need a helping hand!

  4. Great photos ladies! I love it when you do these. It gives us a peak into your private lives without being too intrusive. Fabulous idea!!!


  5. Thanks, Tami! It's a fun way for us to share little aspects of ourselves. So glad you enjoy it! :-)
