Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Show and Tell

Lindy - Decatur, GA
Gettin' her started early...
Just to show you how committed I am to girls knowing how to use tools, I wanted to share with you a picture of Red as she uses the screw gun for the first time. What can I say? I believe in early childhood education. I started each of the screws in this storage shelf for her, but she tightened eight on each side all by herself. It only took a seconds worth of instruction on my part and off she went. Red's a super helper!


Megan - Roswell, GA
A silverback and female in the gorilla enclosure at Zoo Miami.
Have you ever wondered what gorillas do during a torrential thunderstorm? Do they hide or cower or build an elaborate shelter? Wonder no more. I will tell you. They play. They frolic. They gallivant. My family and I were in Miami this past weekend and ended up "trapped" under a shelter at the Zoo during a heavy storm. As luck would have it, we were directly across from the gorillas, and they put on quite a show for us! In fact, we got to see how many animals behave in the rain, something we rarely get to experience, right? Don't we save zoo outings for clearer weather? Next time you see thunderclouds forming, I recommend you head straight for your local zoological society.


Pam - Dacula, GA
Sometimes my work is more like play.
This week it was back to school for Nathan and back to piano teaching for me. It was hard to say goodbye to the carefree days of summer vacation. But it was easy to say hello to my wonderful students. 

1 comment:

  1. I do love these pictures. I'm thinking about doing one day a week myself. I've never ever thought about what pictures I would post (other than the Sexy Saturday ones). I'll have to really think about it. You guys do a wonderful job of being creative with these. I love being able to take a peak into your worlds...

    Thanks for sharing.

