Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween Open House and Costume Contest! Come and Play!

Me and Red - Halloween 2009
Halloween is a favorite of mine. Not only do I love a good haunt, but the memories that surround this special day linger in my mind like summer hangs on in Georgia.

My friend Kate who was 96 when she died some years back, used to open her home to all us neighborhood kids on Halloween. She would dress like a movie star straight from 1930s Hollywood and serve up yummy treats to the kids and parents that wandered by on Trick-or-Treat rounds. Wassail for the grownups, hot apple cider for the kids. Homemade popcorn balls decorated with chocolate bars to make them look like jack-o-lanterns were a staple along with spiced cookies - Kate's specialty. 

Trick-or-Treating the full length of our neighborhood all by ourselves was something special and not getting home until 9:00 PM on a school night. The best part was being with the host of friends I grew up with. The Moseley's, Rob, Hunter and Jay, Amanda, Audra, to name only a few, were the usual traveling pack when we were younger. We would inevitably run into other friends and the group would grow until it took us a full ten minutes to get through the passing out of candy at each house. Great fun. 

In my twenties, and don't I wish I could've found this pic for you, the only Halloween party I attended was with my first husband and we dressed as Frankenstein and his bride. He came complete with stilts that made him seven feet tall, and my hair was almost as tall as his stilts. Scary! 

But the best Halloweens I have ever experienced have been with Red. Her first Trick-or-Treat was 2009. We traversed the neighborhood and collected candy from every house with it's front light on - in the icy cold rain. She loved every minute and so did I. Yes, that's me, the Too Sexy chef up top. In 2010, she dressed as Jessie from Toy Story and I dressed for warmth and walking. This year she is destined to be Daphne from Scooby Doo and so am I. Yes, she has asked me to be the "Mom Daphne." *laughing* I like purple, so why the heck not. 

This week isn't all about us though, its about you too. Pam and I want you to e-mail us your favorite Halloween get-ups from the past. We'll choose a winner, or two, and post them for Friday Show and Tell. We'll have prizes for best costume too! 

Pam's on Trick-or-Treat deck next! Have a great week and send me your photos -


  1. Oh cute! She is adorable. I agree. The best Halloweens I've experienced have been with The Kid. The last several years he's wanted to go by himself with his friends. He's at the age now where he gets to go out after dark with the other boys. I'm a bit worried about that. I just hope I've raised him well enough that he stays out of trouble. :)

    I have friends who still have Halloween parties today. I've been to friend's houses where they have whole block parties. The closest we've been to that is with our neighborhood shutting down the whole place just so the kids have a safe place to trick-or-treat.

    I really do love this time of year. :)

  2. Hey Tami. Someone yesterday told me how their block does that - they put up traffic cones and grill burgers at the end of the street while the kids trick-or-treat in view. I love it! Thanks for sharing. Now, where's that pic of you in costume? Hmmmmm.
